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Exchange Tether BEP-20 to Bank transfer INR

Manual exchange of regulations takes from 5 to 30 minutes.

iconTether BEP-20

Minimum amount:10.00000000 USDT

Maximum amount:500.00000000 USDT

iconBank transfer INR

Reserve:100475 INR

Exchange rate:1 USDT87.5 INR

How to exchange Tether BEP-20 to Bank transfer INR?

To exchange, you need to follow several steps:

1. Fill in all the fields of the submitted form. Click the «Submit» button.
2. Read the terms of the contract for the provision of exchange services, if you accept them, put a check in the appropriate field / click the «I agree with terms of use» button. Check the application data again.
3. Pay for the order. To do this, you need to transfer the necessary amount, following the instructions on our website.
4. After performing these steps, the system will transfer you to the «Order status» page, where the status of your transfer will be indicated.
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